Kubernetes ingress nginx deploy cluster wide
In my demo I’m using:When everything is installed you can start up the minikube cluster and enable ingress addon:Then you’ll need to edit you When you find it add following lines:To make sure that this config is correct you’ll need to check if an IP address ofNow we can create first Helm chart:We will not need generated files inside Now we can roll up our sleeves and define all necessary files to create chart for postgres database. In this sample example the dynu.net free service is used and the amsterdam.dynu.net is pointing to the EIP of the ELB.This can be seen in the following screenshot:When the cookie is deleted manually and a new request is sent the NGINX ingress controller issues a new token and routes the traffic to the next POD as we can see in the next screenshot: The Ingress Resource also determines which controller to utilize to serve traffic. One of the important features is setting up authentication using ingress for our application. Go to the Congrats! Danger. Enable billing for your project. For a reminder, in order to deploy it with They contain definitions of First, let’s create a template for postgres At first glance you might see these strange parts between two pairs of curly brackets, like Another example. In Kubernetes, This allows users to access services from outside of OTC which are load balanced to the backend CCE nodes and then reach the applications running on the kubernetes cluster. In this blog post I present step-by-step how to deploy multiple applications on Kubernetes cluster using Helm. This tutorial uses billable components of Cloud Platform, including:Use the Create or select a GCP project. There is a lot more than routing we can do with ingress. The ELB ID and the ELB EIP can be gathered from OTC either via GUI console or API.Those parameters are set directly in the helm command with --set as seen below.Install the nginx-ingress controller with helm:It takes a while till every component is up and running, but eventually the PODs should be in Running STATUS and the LoadBalancer service should have the defined EIP as EXTERNAL-IP:The following YAML manifest files are used to deploy the backend sample application:Created the Deployment and Service related to our sample application:Check the status of the PODs:This created a deployment called amsterdam which created 3 PODs, 2 of them are running on the first CCE node and the third POD is running on the second CCE node. If all works fine, the following command should list the running CCE nodesHelm client is used to install the helm chart of NGINX ingress controller. The following YAML manifest is used to deploy the NGINX ingress rule which uses the required annotations to use cookie based sticky session.For more details on the annotations, please visit the official In general http request to host amsterdam.dynu.net on port 80 will be routed to the service amsterdam which has 3 endpoints (these points to the 3 POD IP addresses) as we could see in the previous section.Deploy the ingress rule:First lets try to access the web application with a http browser on http://amsterdam.dynu.net address.