弓 にまつわる 言葉
弓を外す. 以前、弓のおことば などと題して色々と弓にまつわる言葉を並べ立ててみたけれど、最近になって以下の言葉が気になり出した。 私としては、これらの言葉は弓に関係あると思うけれど、どの辞書で調べてみてもはっきりとした裏付けが取れないので、なかなか解決しそうにない問題だったりする。 Mainly using the middle finger and the thumb.When the Yazuka has been fully drawn, and Tsumeai and Nobiai are working in Kai.When the body is bent forward. Also referred to as Kattebanare or Migitebanare.When the left shoulder is held back.The eight steps of shooting of the yumi.The method of tying up the Tasuki.Four arrows. The name is derived from wrapping the Nigirikawa.The lower end of the Yumi where the Tsuruwa is looped. Two sets of a Hitote of Haya and Otoya.The method for drawing and opening the Yumiya (Yumi and Ya).The position which is two steps in front of Shai in Rissha; and three steps in front of Shai in Zasha.The third bamboo joint from the Todake, below the Nigiri.The area in which the Ya flies over.The wooden block fixed to the side of the Uchidake, at the lower end of the Yumi.The basic attitude, movements, Shaho and technique of the Sha displayed in the form of a Gyosha.A Hanare where the body is pulled back and both hands release towards the front.The ring-shaped part of the Tsuru looped onto the Hazu of the Yumi. Also referred to as Yunde.The place where the thread is wrapped on the side of the Hazu when fixing the Yabane to the No. Also referred to as Totsudo.The area of the abdomen below the navel.The movement after Tsurushirabe, looking along the No.Opening the space between the Yumi and the Tsuru to a feather's length by stretching the elbows during Yugamae.A Hanare is which both hand or right hand release upward.The Hane on the outside when the Ya has been nocked. 弓は袋に太刀は鞘 - 弓も刀も使う必要のない天下泰平のこと。 (同義語)弓は袋を出(い)ださず。弓を弓袋にす。 弓と弦 - 曲がったものと真直ぐなものとが相並んでいることの喩え。 弓を外す - 戦いを終える。もしくは武装解除すること。 こんなにたくさん!?弓にまつわる言葉の語源. 「弓」がつく二字熟語・三字熟語・四字熟語や名詞など(角弓:つの-ゆみ,楽弓:がっ-きゅう,弓音:ゆみ-おと..)掲載語句件数:227件。語句を構成する各漢字の書き順などの情報を表示できます。 )Measuring the adequate speed and distance of movements during Gyosha.A small release of the right-hand.The seat of the judges (Shimpan-in Seki).An ideal Hanare in which the four points of the left and right fist and the left and right shoulder separate at the same time.The place where the released Ya lands.A Mato with a white center and three concentric circles.The joint on the topmost section of the Uchidake of a Yumi.The left hand. When it is nocked onto the Tsuru, the surface of the Hane faces inward.The place where the Mato is set.The method of raising the Yumiya (Yumi and Ya).The gently curving line of the area below the Kamikirizumedo.The method of gripping the Yumi with the left hand.The wooden block fixed to the inner side or the upper and lower end of the Yumi.The area on the Tsurumakura of the Yugake where the Tsuru is nocked onto.The first Ite in each Tachi (group) when performing Gyosha.A Taikai (gathering) in which Kyogi (a competition) is held.The physical body filled with Kiryoku and energy.The moment in Kai waiting for one's Seiki (Spiritual Energy) to become full.When the Tsuru touches the chest in Kai.The part of the Ya where the Tsuru is nocked.Shooting procedure in which Rei si performed while sitting, standing up move into Shai sit down to nock the Ya and stand up to shoot the Yumi.The movement during Yatsugae when taking the Hazu and moving it towards the Tsuru.A release as if trying to push the left hand through the Mato.The Yumi is pushed with the palm and the wrist bent.A Ya that has been nocked but loosens from the Tsuru and falls before Hanare.